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AustriaBonus offers an additional jackpot of €100,000 alongside every EuroMillions draw. You are automatically entered into the draw if you buy a EuroMillions ticket in Austria.

A winning code is drawn at random every Tuesday and Friday night. To win the six-figure jackpot, the code on your ticket must match the winning code exactly, with every digit in the same position.


AustriaBonus players have won prizes of €100,000!

AustriaBonus Winning Codes

You can find the winning codes for the last six AustriaBonus draws below. Results will be updated after each draw has taken place.

Tuesday 25th March 2025
695 929 7791

Prize: €100,000
Friday 21st March 2025
690 314 5145

Prize: €100,000
Tuesday 18th March 2025
700 532 6876

Prize: €100,000
Friday 14th March 2025
690 210 9054

Prize: €100,000
Tuesday 11th March 2025
700 495 1496

Prize: €100,000
Friday 7th March 2025
700 520 7128

Prize: €100,000

How to Play

Taking part couldn't be easier - you just need to purchase a EuroMillions ticket in Austria to receive your AustriaBonus entry. Similar to other EuroMillions raffle draws in Belgium, France, Ireland, Portugal, Spain and the UK, entry into AustriaBonus is included with your EuroMillions ticket at no extra cost. It is €2.50 for a regular ticket.

Once you have purchased your tickets, you will see a receipt number ("Quittungsnummer"), which is your entry into the draw. Once a draw has taken place, a winning code will be published worth €100,000. If your receipt number matches the code published, you will win a prize!

TeamTipp and Anteilsscheins

Every tip you play gives you one entry into the AustriaBonus draw. When you submit multiple entries, you therefore end up with multiple Bonus codes.

Two of the most popular ways to play in Austria are the ‘TeamTipp’ and the ‘Anteillsschein’. In a TeamTipp, you form your own syndicate of up to 10 people and select how you want to play. With an ‘Anteillsschein’, you can purchase shares in a pre-packaged syndicate that has been organised by the Austrian Lottery.

Both of these methods allow you to split the cost of playing multiple entries with other players. It also means that prize amounts have to be divided between all the players.

If more than one code appears for a draw, this is because the winning code drawn is from a syndicate. In these instances, the €100,000 prize is split between the shares.

If you've won a prize, visit the Prize Claims page for information on how and where to pick up your winnings in Austria.