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A Lifetime of Riches for EuroMillions Players

How would you like to spend £2 million on whatever you wanted, each and every year for the rest of your life? How would you like to do that and still have a massive stockpile of wealth to leave behind for your loved ones, even if you were to live for another 80 years or so? Incredibly, all of that would not only be possible, it would actually be quite easy if you were to win the EuroMillions jackpot this Friday 17 June, and that’s because the jackpot has rolled again and is now worth a staggering €91 million, which equates to around £80 million.

Let’s talk in terms of pounds sterling since £80 million happens to be a nice round number. If you were to invest that sum in something that gave you a 5% return each year, your £80 million EuroMillions jackpot would earn you an additional £4 million each year. Even if your investment was to earn just 2.5% per year, you would still make £2 million per year on your wealth, and that would enable you to spend £2 million per year without touching a penny of the jackpot itself.

Of course, if you won the £80 million EuroMillions jackpot this Friday you would be free to spend and/or invest it exactly as you wanted to. You could splurge all £80 million on houses, cars, boats, planes and even a private tropical island if that was what you fancied, and nobody would be able to stop you. That said, if you put the jackpot in terms of being able to spend a couple of million each and every year for the next century or so without seriously damaging your capital, it quickly becomes apparent just how much money £80 million really is!

What is just as incredible is the fact that anyone reading this article who chooses to buy even a single EuroMillions ticket will have the chance to make this staggering lifetimes of riches a reality. Just think – when you wake up this Saturday your biggest task might be planning how to spend the rest of your life now that you have £80 million in your bank account. It’s a mind-blowing concept but perfectly realistic for the player who matches the five main numbers and two Lucky Star numbers required.

Play EuroMillions online to give yourself a shot at enjoying a lifetime of riches, and good luck in the draw this Friday!

Written by Tim Reynolds

Published: Thu, 16 June 2011 - 10:28am
Last Updated: Thu, 5 June 2014 - 11:35am
Published By: Euro-Millions.com

Tuesday 24th December 2024
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