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EuroMillions Boosts Sales

The giant jackpots offered by EuroMillions over the past six months, including the recent €130 million September Superdraw, have helped UK National Lottery sales to increase by £181 million. The total sales figure for the half year to 27 September, 2008 was a mind-boggling £2,559 million.

Most EuroMillions players are well aware that their favourite lottery gives them a chance to win life-changing sums of money, but EuroMillions also helps good causes in participating countries. In the UK, some £689 million has been raised for good causes over the last six months, and although EuroMillions can’t take all of the credit for this, it has certainly helped.

The same kind of thing can be said of most other countries that participate in EuroMillions, and this means that every time we buy a EuroMillions ticket (even if we play EuroMillions lottery online), we are doing something that benefits our nations in a very real way.

With this Friday’s EuroMillions jackpot standing at an estimated €28 million (£21 million) we can buy tickets with pride, knowing that if we win we will change our lives and that even if we don’t we will be doing something worthwhile. So buy those tickets and keep your fingers crossed – this could be your lucky week!

Published: Thu, 23 October 2008 - 11:01am
Last Updated: Thu, 5 June 2014 - 12:35pm
Published By: Euro-Millions.com

Friday 27th December 2024
$1.15 Billion
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