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July’s Mega Week Offers Florida Fun to EuroMillions Winners

A spectacular summer on EuroMillions will continue in this month’s Mega Week, with a thrilling trip to Florida on offer for the lucky winners. The special promotion will include the draws on Tuesday 25th July and Friday 28th July.

Mega Week takes place once a month and puts fantastic prizes up for grabs, usually by offering luxury lifestyle experiences and guaranteeing that there will be even more winners of the Millionaire Maker than in regular draws. This month, the winners will receive £1 million each and the opportunity to fly out to Miami with three guests. The visit to America will feature:

  • Accommodation for 10 nights at The Hammocks, a five-star resort at Playa Larga on the Florida Keys. You will share a three-bedroom Beach House on a self-catering basis, with a generous allowance for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  • Premium car hire for 10 days, provided that the driver is over the age of 25 and has held a full clean driver’s licence for at least two years.
  • A 30-minute tour in a private seaplane, showcasing the Florida Keys’ sumptuous views.
  • An activity allowance of £1,500, a fuel allowance of £250 and a £370 allowance for The Hammocks’ Kids Club.

While Mega Week is sure to provide the perfect end to the month for all the lucky winners, there is also a EuroMillions jackpot to dream about for players across Europe. The top prize has already been given away twice in July, following the big Superdraw success for a UK ticket holder at the end of June.

If you want to try and win the next enormous jackpot, you can choose your numbers online now or visit any authorised retailer in one of the participating countries. Good luck!

Written by

Published: Wed, 19 July 2017 - 9:17am
Last Updated: Thu, 12 September 2019 - 12:11pm
Published By: Euro-Millions.com

Friday 27th December 2024
$1.15 Billion
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