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Medlotto Mediterranean Lottery

Greek company Intralot, which just happens to be the second biggest lottery systems company in the world, has proposed a brand new lottery game that would be modelled on EuroMillions. The new game would also be a multi-national lottery, but in this case the participating countries would be around the Mediterranean, hence the game being given a working title of Medlotto.

It is testimony to the massive success of EuroMillions that Medlotto would openly and quite proudly be designed to work in the same way. EuroMillions was launched in 2004 in three European countries and six more quickly joined to take the total number of participating nations to nine. In the five years that have gone by since the launch, EuroMillions has established itself as one of the most successful lottery games in the world, not only in terms of popularity, but also in terms of organisation.

Popularity of lottery games is generally related to the amount of prize money on offer and the overall chance of a player winning any prize at all. EuroMillions ticks both boxes in great style, offering a minimum jackpot of €15 million and a 1 in 24 chance of winning any EuroMillions prize.

As far as organisation is concerned, EuroMillions is also second to none. This is to be expected, because although the EuroMillions lottery was launched just five years ago, that launch followed a decade of multinational planning and discussion. This allowed any potential problems concerning the organisational framework to be identified, discussed and rectified in the planning stages, rather than in any later stage of development.

Intralot has no doubt observed the massive success of EuroMillions, and the way in which EuroMillions has helped the participating countries to build stronger relationships, and now it wants a Medlotto game to help Mediterranean countries do the same.

If a Medlotto game goes ahead there would be a number of benefits for participating nations. The main one would be the large number of jobs that would be generated, but other benefits would also include a stronger sense of unity among citizens of Mediterranean countries, a revitalised Mediterranean economy and – lest we forget – the introduction of a fantastic new lottery game based on the proven EuroMillions model.

Published: Mon, 13 July 2009 - 9:36am
Last Updated: Thu, 5 June 2014 - 2:42pm
Published By: Euro-Millions.com

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