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Split Jackpot Dry Spell Ends

Two tickets shared the EuroMillions jackpot last Friday 22 July – something that hasn’t happened since Friday 25 March! The EuroMillions results which ended the recent ‘dry spell’ of split jackpots were 04, 15, 23, 49 and 50, with 02 and 06 drawn as the Lucky Stars. The jackpot was worth €15 million (around £13.22 million) so each of the two winning tickets now has a value of €7.5 million (around £6.12 million).


11 players won a consolation prize of €166,539 (around £107,260) each by matching the five main numbers and one of the Lucky Stars. 10 players matched five main numbers without any Lucky Star number to win €61,064 (around £39,329) each. Tickets which matched four main numbers and both Lucky Stars (there were 86 such tickets) won €3,550 (around £2,287) each. In the UK, one player became £1 million richer thanks to the Millionaire Raffle number CGK166662.

Although most players like the idea of winning a EuroMillions jackpot outright, winning a split jackpot is still a massive achievement that can change the lives of those concerned forever. Many lottery games would love to be able to offer a jackpot of €7.5 million, and as this latest draw demonstrated, EuroMillions players can win that sum even if the minimum jackpot is split in half!

Split jackpots in the EuroMillions game will of course be less common now that the odds of landing the jackpot have increased, so it may be some time before another jackpot is landed by more than one ticket. That said, lottery games are unpredictable by their very nature, so the next one could just as easily take place on Tuesday!

The jackpot for the next EuroMillions draw this Tuesday 26 July will be worth €15 million (around £13 million). Play online and the next big winner could be you!

Written by Tim Reynolds

Published: Mon, 25 July 2011 - 10:27am
Last Updated: Thu, 5 June 2014 - 2:31pm
Published By: Euro-Millions.com

Tuesday 24th December 2024
$944 Million
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